ABH Subculture Palette 

Hello Sunshines! 🌞 How are you all? I hope everyone is having a great day! Today is about the most talked about in the beauty world 🌎. There’s a lot of controversies and buzz surrounding this palette. Just as I thought MorphexJaclynhill palette are getting all the attention, then..Boom!! 💥 ABH Subculture palette was released not long ago and it shooked the beauty community. I got my palette at the mail on Monday and it’s Wednesday now and I have not touched it!. Crazy right? Well I am scared that i would get the same problems. Like, the blending issues, the crazy fall out issues, hitting pan issues after 3-4 uses and the patchiness issues. All the issues that I saw/read on medias (IG, Twitter, FB) Is there anything else?? Oh Yess…the new thing I found watching from YouTube, that the colours oxidises?? 😱 💨 

So have you bought this palette? What are your thoughts? Are you having the same issues or are yours performing fine. Let me know down below the comment section. 

Would I decided to touch my palette?? Yes i will, i will tell you my thoughts on it soon.

Thanks for reading!

NattyNoo xx 😘 

2 Replies to “ABH Subculture Palette ”

    1. Thanks for reading 😊..i havent used mine because i have been watching what othet beauty influencers has to say and maybe I could get tips and tricks. I saw samantha ravandhl’s video and she did 3 looks. I saw one comment about how to use the palette without murdering it haha 😂

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